This conference will focus on topical investment themes. The conference will be held in English and is aimed at institutional investors in the wider DACH region.
Session 1
Head of Investment Consulting
Perspective does matter. Outlook and allocation consideration of Swiss institutional investors
• Brief outlook on economic and financial market environment
• Structural trends changing the Swiss institutional landscape
• CHF perspective:
o How do risk and return expectations look like for investors with CHF liabilities?
o How do Swiss institutional investors allocate in the current environment?
Fixed Income Institutional Portfolio Manager
Navigating EMD under Trump 2.0
The EMD asset class has matured in terms of market size, liquidity and credit quality and continues to provide diversification benefits in broader portfolios. Join MFS as we uncover how this asset class can navigate through Trump's second presidency.
Session 2
Senior Managing Director, Head of Alternative Credit
Blue Owl Capital
Beyond Private Credit – The Role of Asset-Based Lending in Institutional Portfolios
In the evolving landscape of Private Credit, Asset-Based Finance is emerging as a key player, offering investors income-generating diversification through a variety of collateral types and borrowers, with the added benefit of hard-asset-backed downside protection. In light of continuing bank retrenchment, has the asset class earned its place in a core portfolio allocation?
- Market opportunity and risk-return characteristics of Asset-Based Finance
- The importance of true diversification, agility and downside protection
- Consumer finance – a curse or a blessing? Lessons from the past
- Current themes in the Asset-Based Finance market
Head of Investment Controlling and Consulting
Infrastructure Investments – An institutional approach
Low interest rates (till 2022) and high funding needs have contributed to a significant rise in infrastructure investments among institutional investors. Thomas Breitenmoser will elaborate on some key features of this asset class and what investors should consider when investing in infrastructure assets.
• Why should institutional investors consider infrastructure assets?
• Diversification across sectors and regions
• Vastness and complexity of the asset class
• Adoption rates among Swiss pension funds
• Portfolio construction and manager selection
Session 3
Managing Director, Team Leader ALM
Financial Risk Management – Today and Tomorrow: A Glimpse into the Future
In this presentation, possible challenges in the future financial risk management of Swiss pension funds on both the assets and the liabilities side will be highlighted.
- Swiss pension funds have benefited greatly from the performance of financial markets in recent years.
- Nevertheless, there are challenges that need to be taken into account in future financial risk management, such as:
o the low level of interest rates in Switzerland.
o the changing structure / higher proportion of pensioners in Swiss pension funds.
Member of Investment Committee
Pensionskasse der Saurer-Unternehmungen
Are crypto currencies ready for institutional investors? The Case of Switzerland …..
• Why should institutional investors consider crypto assets?
• Volatility management through strategic asset allocation
• Swiss pension funds and crypto investments
• Implementation strategies for pension funds
Close of conference followed by refreshements
The conference is by invitation only for pension funds and other institutional investors and we welcome new attendees from these investors. Therefore if you are not already receiving an invitation please contact us. A limited number of Complimentary invitations are available to genuine pension fund representatives (executives and trustees) and other approved institutional investors. However, to ensure we have room for as many funds as possible, we have to limit free places to 3 attendees per approved organisation thereafter a reduced rate fee is payable per delegate. Furthermore, SPS always reserves the right of admission (free or paid) and our decision is final.
Renaissance Zurich Tower Hotel
Turbinenstrasse 20,
8005 Zürich
Tel: +41 44-630 30 30